I had the honor of being nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you so much Terri at Millennial Adulting for the nomination. Be sure to check out her blog at http://millennialadulting.life/about/ and follow her on twitter @MillennialAdul1.
Terri is a social worker in LA and loves it. She writes about adulting and offers help with real, relevant, and relatable topics. In other words, instead of teaching algebra she might teach about managing your credit score or how to save money.
Award Rules:
Thank the person that nominated you for the award
Include a link to their blog
Nominate 15 other bloggers
Share seven things about yourself in your blog post.
7 Things About me
1. My dog saves me daily by making me get outside
As a coach and writer I could go weeks without setting foot outside. You could just find me parked at my computer or on my phone. Thanks to my dog, Brodie, that doesn't happen. He is just like a toddler--always needs attention, needs fresh air and sunshine, and tries to bite through everything. Also, he's a sock monster. So if you are missing socks, he probably got to them!
2. I Love Where I live
I live in Marin County, California. Originally from the East Coast, my husband and I moved here in 1999. It fits us. We lived in Melbourne, Australia and that also was a good fit, but too far away from friends and family. The Bay Area has a similar feel to Melbourne. Good city but not too huge. Easy access to wine country, mountains and water. Pretty great weather--some seasons but it's rarely too hot or too cold. So while I still miss things on the East Coast, I cant ever see myself living back there again. Europe, maybe!!
3. I edit while I read: books, news, road signs
It's a habit I can't kill and it's only getting worse with the constant news and reporting. It's so fast there are mistakes all the time--even in The New York Times or Fortune or other good media outlets. It's not really about Fake News, it's more about Fake Spelling and Punctuation. So yeah, it's annoying and distracting to me. And likely just as annoying to everyone around me that I do it to! ;)
4. I'm a Parent Coach and its so rewarding
It's amazing to know you help someone--it just feels really good. Giving directions, donating money, listening to friends, whatever it is. So when I work with clients and can see and hear how their family dynamics are improving, or their relationship with their teen is shifting I love that. We all need help and we've all been through so much; I don't see the need to recreate the wheel. We should just share what we have learned, even if its hard.
5. I have the travel bug.
I blame my parents for this. Ok, honestly I thank them. We were lucky enough to grow up traveling and it's just something I love to do. I love the adventure. I love seeing new places and learning about different cultures, and seeing how similar we really are no matter how differently we live. New places are exciting and offer an adventure to explore them--on foot, by car, by train; snorkeling and scuba diving; skiing, hiking and even paragliding of a mountain top.
6. I have two amazing kids (And a pretty good husband, too)
I'm truly not biased, ask anyone! ;) . Ok I may be biased but I'm still pretty sure I am right. We have survived the toddler years, the middle school years (barely), and even the high school years. I'll keep you posted on the college years! It's all about family and I feel so lucky to have mine.
7. Nature is my happy place
When I am outside, I am so happy. I love the mountains, I love the water, I love even just sitting on my deck. It can lift my spirits, bring me some zen, or make me contemplative depending where i am. A few of my favorite places are Squam Lake in New Hampshire; Mount Tamalpais State Park and Steep Ravine in Mill Valley and Lake Tahoe. Farther afield, I'm guessing I'd be good in Tuscany, Africa and Greece.; just sayin'. There's that travel bug again!
My Nominees
Thank you for having incredible blogs! Keep it up!
Living The Second Act
Women with Gifts
Stress Free Kids
Yule Times
Moms of Tweens and Teens
A Health Blog
Dare to Detour
Barbara Sobel Nutrition
Equine Encounters
Healthy Living For Hot Messes
Nina Garcia
Sunshine and Hurricanes
How To Be A Dad
This has been fun. Thanks again for nominating me, @MillennialAdul1. Please check out these other blogs and show them some love! Also if you haven't yet subscribed to my blog, please do so (it's free) and pass it along!
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