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My Personal Side

If you're going to thrive in today's crazy world, I  believe you need to bring your whole self to the table: your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Parenting In Real Life. 


I'm a mom of two amazing kids, one of whom has struggled with ADHD, anxiety and depression. Watching this as a parent can be heartbreaking and feels singular. I had nowhere to turn and i was totally overwhelmed. When we finally put the pieces together and got our daughter some help, everything changed for her. But I still didn't have someone who could teach me how to parent more effectively. It was trial and error on the emotional dysregulation, the panic attacks, and the lack of executive functioning. There was no handbook.


I vowed then that other parents should NOT have to be that scared, overwhelmed, and alone. I learned the tips and tricks that helped. I found ways to teach time management as well as social skills.


Now I share them with kids as well as parents. Sometimes it takes an outside person to help our kids with executive function and emotional regulation--the whole family dynamic can get tough otherwise.


Now I get to help other 2e families find calm in the chaos, connect with their kids, and bring peace back into the family dynamic. I get to share all the tools and techniques that lead to more effective parenting and fewer struggles.

If you are ready for your lives to change and to understand and navigate your child/teen's issues, book a consult now. 

My Professional Side
  • Parent and Teen Coach

  • ADHD and Anxiety Expert

  • Coach for  COVID Care Network

  • Summit Speaker 

  • Expert Podcast Guest

  • CTI Co-Active Coaching

  • Certified Domestic Violence Advocate

  • Certified Teen Suicide Prevention Advocate

  • Trained Facilitator 

  • Widely Published Expert Parenting Contributor 

  • Suicide prevention hotline; Domestic violence Safe House

  • Member, ADHD Coaches Network, ADHD Aware, Anxiety Relief Circle, The Psychology Network, Parenting, 2e Network.

  • Board Member, Marin Wellness Initiative

  • Board Member, Mill Valley Aware

  • Parenting Expert on several parenting apps

  • BA in Psychology

  • Experience mitigating Stress, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Anorexia and Chronic Illness.

  • Featured in YourTeen, Grown&Flown, ScaryMommy, Huffington Post, The Mighty, RealityMoms, Thrive Global, ADDitude and Parent Co.


I'd love to chat & get to know you as well. Schedule a free consult today!​

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