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How to Calm an Anxiety Attack
She’s trembling, she can’t breathe, and she’s hyperventilating; seemingly all at the same time. She panics, you panic; welcome to the...
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7 Ways For Your Teen To Relieve Stress
Our world today is very challenging. There are pressures at school—and in-home schooling--, home, friends, media, social media—pretty...
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How to Break Down This Pandemic For Our Kids
This pandemic and Shelter In Place has shaken up the world. As adults we know how to process our emotions and can understand the science...

New Year, New Approach to Resolutions
How do you feel about resolutions? At this time of year, we all tend to pick a few things about ourselves to change for next year. Often...
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What To Expect When Your College Student Is Home For Break
Many college students come home for Thanksgiving, and while you're all looking forward to it, it can be an adjustment. You are excited...
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How to be Present With Your Kids in a Digital World
As parents, we share and celebrate some really big milestones with our children. Sometimes it’s a lot harder to share the every-day...
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How ADHD Symptoms in Children Get Missed
Parenting a child with ADHD can feel a bit like you’re walking in the dark—you tiptoe around, unsure of what you will come up against....
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​ This is the First Thing to do When Your Teen Lies to You ​
​​ Are you ever completely baffled by your kids? Like you don’t understand why they’re acting in a certain way? The one that always gets...

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