danabakerwilliamsHow to Calm an Anxiety AttackShe’s trembling, she can’t breathe, and she’s hyperventilating; seemingly all at the same time. She panics, you panic; welcome to the...
danabakerwilliamsHow To Encourage Independence​In many ways we humans are always striving to do things on our own, right from the start. Babies insist on holding a bottle or picking...
danabakerwilliamsThe Truth About LiesAre you ever completely baffled by your kids? Like you have no understanding of why they’re acting in a certain way? The one that always...
Dana E. Baker​ This is the First Thing to do When Your Teen Lies to You ​​​ Are you ever completely baffled by your kids? Like you don’t understand why they’re acting in a certain way? The one that always gets...